The Dashboard Basics

Your Dashboard is like your ‘home-base’ inside of The Vortex. Almost anything that you need related to The Vortex can be found here, making your experience in The Vortex simple and organized. In this guide, we will explore the fundamental sections, ‘cards’, and features within your personalized Dashboard.


The Sections

The Dashboard page is comprised of 3 main sections for optimal mobility. Learning how to use each main section is important for making your experience in The Vortex fluid and manageable. 

The Main Navigation

At the top of the page, you will find the ‘Main Navigation’. You should see The Vortex Logo, the ‘Achievers Vortex’ dropdown menu, and your Account panel button.

You can find the ‘Main Navigation’ on almost every Vortex-related page, even pages not within the Vortex itself.

This keeps general AQR Training pages and Vortex pages distinguishable for a more pleasant experience within the AQR Training ecosystem.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard is a modular interface with various boxes containing relevant information for your Vortex experience. We call these boxes, ‘Cards’.

Each card contain snapshots of content within the Vortex, or content that is personalized to you.

For example, the first 2 cards, the Profile Card and the Challenge Card, are personalized specifically for you. You can customize, change and track some of the features within these cards.

Beneath the Profile and Challenge Cards, you will find a few Overview Cards, including one for the Performance Lab/Achievers Hub, and one for displaying any Upcoming Events.

Towards the bottom of the Dashboard you will also find two Snapshot Cards.

Each card may contain different information for general happenings in and around the Vortex, including updates and more information.

Because these cards are modular, we may rearrange and configure cards as we see fit to better display information for you.

The Footer

Below The Dashboard, you will find The Footer.

The Footer contains static links to resources and pages that are not accessible via the Main Navigation or your floating Navigation Bar. Here is a quick overview of the options displayed at The Footer.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is our resource center for all-things Vortex. Here you can learn about the features and pages of the Vortex to help you navigate more efficiently, like the article you are currently reading.


The Vortex Roadmap button opens a side panel where you can request features, report any bugs/errors, track the features we are currently working on, and upvote on features you would like to see.

You can also see the most recent updates for each version of The Vortex to stay up to date with our changes.

To use the Roadmap, you must ‘create’ an account using the login information you used to create your Vortex Account.

AQR Website

This button will take you to the home page of the AQR Training website.

Terms and Policies

By signing up to The Vortex, you agreed to the Vortex Terms and Policies.

The Vortex Terms and Policies are separate from the General AQR Terms and Conditions.



  • No. Although all members have a Dashboard, your Dashboard is exclusive to you. Any changes made will only be updated for you.

  • The Dashboard automatically updates as new content, challenges and features are added. You can track new features by viewing the Roadmap.

  • We use cookies to store your personalized changes. If your browser has automatically reset your cookies, or you manually changed your cookie settings, most changes made to your Dashboard will be reset to it’s default setting.

    Some changes, like your Monthly Challenges, are automatically reset each month when new challenges are updated.

  • Yes! You can change the name we welcome you with on the Dashboard by changing the name on your user account. You can do this via the Account panel at the Main Navigation.

  • Yes! As the new Vortex has recently been relaunched, we have planned for many new features and functionalities to roll-out over the coming months. Check the Roadmap for more information.

  • If you need help with managing your Dashboard, please contact us via the Vortex Help Page.


The Performance Lab Basics


The Achievers Hub Basics