Terms and Conditions

All paying private-training clients who have purchased either a ‘Monthly’ (recurring) and/or a Bundle (one-time) training plan are subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Additionally, all Achievers Vortex Members are subject to the Achievers ‘Vortex Terms and Policies’ found here.

Last Updated: February 13th, 2025

1 –– Terms

  1. By purchasing our private soccer training plans, or any other service or item sold by AQR Training, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions. Please be aware that these terms cover important information about your rights and obligations, as well as limitations and exclusions that may apply to you.

2 –– Monthly Plans

2.1 –– 3-Month Minimum

  1. By choosing our monthly subscription plans, you commit to a minimum billing duration of three months. If the plan is canceled before the completion of this three month period, we reserve the right to charge the remaining balance to your saved payment information (§2.1.2) for the remaining duration.

  2. We reserve the right to charge any form of payment we have on file on the same day of each month until the unpaid balance has been fulfilled. If any form of payment is declined you are subject to the terms outlined under §2.1.3.

  3. Following a declined payment, our billing system will automatically retry the unpaid payment within 48 hours. If the first attempt is declined, our billing system will automatically retry the unpaid payment within 1 week from the first attempt. If the second attempt is declined, you are subject to the terms outlined under §2.1.4, 5, 6.

  4. Failure to collect the unpaid balance following a second failed attempt will result in a pre-authorized $25.00 late-fee for each unpaid day following the second unpaid attempt up-to a maximum of $200.00.

  5. Once the unpaid balance has been paid, or the maximum late-fee amount is reached, we will invoice you for the appropriate late-fee amount based on the date of the completed transaction.

  6. Failure to collect the unpaid balance and the appropriate late-fee will result in legal proceedings with a collections agency of our choice, subject to the governing laws of The State of Texas in Montgomery County.

  7. The pricing at which you initially subscribed will be honored for the remainder of the three-month minimum commitment. However, following this period, we reserve the right to automatically update your subscription to reflect any new pricing changes. Any modifications to pricing will be communicated in advance, and continued use of the service after the three-month period will constitute acceptance of the new pricing.

2.2 –– Cancellations

  1. You may cancel without any limitations or unreasonable obstacles via your personalized AQR Dashboard. You may also contact AQR Training to manually cancel your subscription for you within 48 hours from the 3-Month Minimum (§2.1).

2.3 –– Use of Sessions

  1. Both Monthly ‘Solo’ and ‘Duo’ plans include a maximum of 4, 60-minute training sessions.

  2. Training sessions are non-transferable to any month or 30-day period following the month in which the sessions were used. Sessions that have lapsed any 30-day period are considered ‘lost’.

  3. ‘Lost’ sessions are subject to the General Use of Sessions outlined under §4.1.1.

  4. If you wish the keep your preferred training time slot as outlined under §5.2, your recurring subscription must 1- remain active and 2- must not have any unpaid, pending balances from the start of the next billing cycle as outlined under §2.1.3. Failure to do so will result in a one-time $50.00 renewal fee.

  5. You, the client, are responsible for keeping track of the session validity period and acknowledge that this is not the responsibility of the assigned coach, nor AQR Training.

3 –– Bundle Plans

3.1 –– Maximum Validity Period

  1. By choosing a one-time Bundle plan, you commit to a maximum validity period in which you may use the total number of sessions included in your chosen pricing tier.

  2. The maximum validity period is clearly stated during the checkout process as, “Valid for X weeks”, ‘X’ being the number of weeks stated according to your chosen pricing tier.

  3. The maximum validity period limits the number of sessions included in your chosen pricing tier to this period. Any sessions that have lapsed the maximum validity period are considered ‘lost’.

  4. ‘Lost’ sessions are subject to the General Use of Sessions outlined under §4.1.1.

  5. You, the client, are responsible for keeping track of the maximum validity period and acknowledge that this is not the responsibility of the assigned coach, nor AQR Training.

3.2 –– Use of Sessions

  1. You may use up the amount of training sessions as clearly stated under your chosen pricing tier within the maximum validity period outlined under §3.1.

  2. Training sessions are non-transferable to any Bundle purchased after the end of the maximum validity period. Sessions that have lapsed the maximum validity period are considered ‘lost’.

  3. ‘Lost’ sessions are subject to the General Use of Sessions outlined under §4.1.1.

  4. If you wish to continue with your preferred training time slot(s) as outlined under §5.2, you must purchase a new training Bundle plan within 2-weeks prior to the final session training date. Failure to do so will result in a one-time $50.00 renewal fee.

4 –– General Use of Sessions

4.1 –– Lost Sessions

  1. Sessions that have lapsed the validity period outlined under §2.3 and §3.2 are considered ‘lost’, meaning these sessions are no longer valid and can not be used again.

  2. You may always purchase a new Monthly plan or Bundle with more sessions, subject to the Availability clause §5.1.1 outlined under the General Training Terms.

  3. To avoid the loss of sessions, consider rescheduling your sessions as outlined under the Rescheduling Sessions clause §4.2 under the General Training Terms.

4.2 –– Rescheduling Sessions

  1. To reschedule a session, it is your responsibility to notify your assigned coach within a minimum of 24-hours of the pre-agreed date of training or within 1-week of the pre-agreed date of training for vacations or periods lasting longer than 7-days. If your assigned coach is unable to attend a session, the minimum 24-hour notice also applies to them.

  2. If the session is cancelled within 24 hours or less of the pre-agreed date of training, the session will be lost permanently, unless at the fault of the assigned coach.

  3. A maximum of two rescheduled sessions can only be scheduled during the next school or public holiday, subject to our general availability (§5.1). If the rescheduled sessions are not utilized within that school or public holiday period, they may be used within the same month of validity. Any unused sessions beyond this period will be considered “lost,” as outlined in §4.1.

  4. Sessions impacted by weather will either be moved indoors or rescheduled within the same month for an indoor session. 

4.3 –– Missed Sessions

  1. You are allowed to miss up to ONE session (with prior notice as outlined under §4.3.2) during the validity period of your training plan. Every missed session after the first instance will be lost and are subject to §4.1.

  2. In the unfortunate event that you will miss a session, you must communicate with your assigned coach within a minimum of 24-hours of the pre-agreed date of training.

  3. Natural occurrences, such as any injuries sufficed during a training plan validity period, with the starting date from the first training session, which are caused by non-soccer related events (e.g. you fell off your bike on the weekend), are not subject to an extension of the training plan validity period.

  4. In the unlikely event that a session must be missed due to situations beyond the control of AQR Training and your assigned coach, are subject to the Rescheduling clause outlined under §4.2.

4.4 –– Renewing Sessions

  1. You may renew any training plan, Monthly or Bundle, via the AQR Training website here.

  2. If you wish to continue with your preferred training time slot(s) as outlined under §5.2, you must purchase a new training plan as outlined under §2.3.4 (Monthly) and §3.2.4 (Bundle).

5 –– General Training Terms

5.1 –– Availability

  1. Due to natural limitations, AQR Training is limited to the number of athletes that we can effectively train at any given time. This allows us to prioritize our above mentioned offerings, and put quality over quantity. Therefore, we do not guarantee the purchase any training plan until you have received written confirmation from an assigned coach to coordinate the dates of training after your purchase has been made.

  2. We reserve the right to refuse availability to anyone who has violated these terms or have acted in poor manner while as a paid client of AQR Training.

  3. Should you have purchased any training plan, and the conditions outlined under §5.1.1 be enforced, you will receive a full-refund as outlined in accordance with §6.3.

  4. Sessions that have been rescheduled as outlined under §4.2 are also subject to these terms, excluding §5.1.3.

5.2 Preferred Time Slots

  1. Towards the end of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter), clients with an active training plan will be able to choose up to 3 preferred time slots to ‘lock-in’ a set training date(s) and time(s) for the paid training sessions.

  2. Clients will receive appropriate communication via our email directly, and various forms of promotion such as via social media, may also be used.

  3. Time slots are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  4. Your preferred time slot(s) is/are never guaranteed, rather, reserved, unless you fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

6 –– General AQR Training Terms

6.1 — The AQR Shop

  1. The purchases of items and good made within The AQR Shop are subject to the terms and conditions of our third-party distributors.

  2. Refunds are subject to the terms and conditions of our third-party distributors.

  3. Please contact us for the appropriate terms and conditions in relation to your purchased item(s).

6.2 –– Discounts

  1. AQR Training distributes two types of discount codes: 1- General Use Discounts (§6.2.2) and 2- Vortex Member Discounts (§6.2.3)

  2. General Use Discounts are defined as the following: Discounts which have been distributed via one of our mass-communication channels, e.g. email or social media, either 1- directly, e.g. direct message, direct email, etc., or 2- indirectly- e.g. social media. General Use Discounts are applicable based on their defined use-case, e.g. The AQR Shop or an AQR Clinic. Please read the fine print of the promotional code as clearly stated near or around the location of which the promotional code can be found. Multiple General Use Discounts or offers can not be used more than once per customer. Discounts can not be shared outside of the intended audience. Discounts can not be combined with any other offer unless clearly stated otherwise. Abuse of these terms will result in an immediate refund (§6.3.1) and access to the relevant event or item will be revoked.

  3. Vortex Member Discounts are defined as the following: Discounts which have been shared exclusively via the member-only Perks page within the member area. These discounts may not be used by anyone other than the paying Vortex Member. Additional terms on these discounts can be found via the Vortex Terms and Policies page.

6.3 –– Refunds

  1. AQR Training offers absolutely NO REFUNDS unless otherwise stated elsewhere within these Terms and Conditions, e.g. §5.1.3 and §6.1.1.

  2. All training plan purchases are backed by a 24-hour ‘grace-period’. You must contact us within 24 hours from the time of purchase where we will 1- change your plan to a new plan, or 2- cancel your purchase and issue a full-refund.

6.4 –– Changes to These Terms 

  1. All terms and conditions are subject to change based upon our discretion, depending on the circumstance(s). All changes will be communicated via email within 48-hours of the changes. 

7 — Camps and Events

7.1 — Liability Waiver

  1. All new and existing members must complete our Limited Liability Waiver before participating in any event or clinic. Failure to do so will place full responsibility on the parent/guardian in the unlikely event of a natural incident.

7.2 — Cancellations & Guarantees

  1. For events and clinics, you may cancel within 48 hours of enrollment for a full refund of the paid ‘guarantee’ (deposit).

  2. Cancellations made after 48 hours of enrollment will result in an automatic charge of 50% of the original, undiscounted, regular-priced offer for the event.

7— Disclaimer of Warranties


8 — Limitation of Liability


9 — Agreement of Terms

  1. By purchasing any of our private soccer training plans, subscriptions or services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

10 — Governing Law

  1. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Texas in connection with any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms.